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Rock of Israel Ministries

Yeshua: A Guide to the Real Jesus and the Original Church

Yeshua: A Guide to the Real Jesus and the Original Church

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... must reading for serious students... I enthusiastically recommend this enlightening study....
--Marvin Wilson, Ph.D., Chairman of the Department of Biblical Studies, Gordon College

...opens up the history of the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Every Christian should read this book.
--Brad Young, Ph.D., Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Oral Roberts University

Paperback - 198 pages


From the Author

Previous histories have generally left out the Jewish factor. By beginning their research with the later second- and third-century Church, after it became predominantly a Gentile organization, they have lost the history of the first hundred years and the necessary understanding of Jewish roots. Many difficult Hebraic phrases and theological dilemmas can be understood by investigating the original Jewish roots of the early Church.

Today, scholars agree, on the most basic level, that Jesus was a Jew who was born, lived, and died, within first-century Judaism. His teaching methods, parables, proverbs, and symbolic style was characteristic of the Judaism of that day. Since both the Old and New Testaments are highly Hebraic, with the background, writers, culture, religion, traditions, and concepts being Hebrew, any analysis should be done from this perspective.

This book will propose to show that the earliest Church and its first fifteen elders were Jewish and that the original organizational structure of the early Church came from the synagogical prototype. This investigation will examine major Jewish terms such as Torah, or Law, which, when communicated in the Greek mind-set, have been completely misunderstood. This study will show that the Pharisees of the first century were the orthodox fundamentalists who had within their camp both hypocrites and heroes. Finally, our study will suggest that the early Church was one of the many sects within first-century Judaism, which neither Jesus nor Paul ever tried to leave. Because the early Church remained within Judaism for the first hundred years, the proto-rabbi and the Hebrew culture are essential to understanding its organizational structure.

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